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Level Protab 100 Sativa 1-Piece

A photograph of Level Protab 100 Sativa 1-Piece

Want to give the Protab 100 a try before you purchase a 10-pack? Now you can with the Sativa Protab 100 single pack. Each pack contains one 100 mg professional-strength swallowable tablet that's perfect for powering through to-do lists or extra-long hikes. Designed for those who require a very high dose, the Protab 100 takes effect in 30–90 minutes, with a duration of 3–6 hours. Should you wish to consume a lighter dose, they're scored so you can easily split one in half.

Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol, Croscarmellose, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Steam-Distilled Cannabis Terpenoids

  • Net contents: 0.55g
  • Notes: 100mg THC
  • Blend: Sativa
  • Per case: 100