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Time Machine
Time Machine 3.5g Dosilato

A photograph of Time Machine 3.5g Dosilato

Step into a world beyond this world, where time machines and futuristic innovations collide to bring you Dosilato, a strain that transcends the limits of history and dimensions. Its lineage is a tapestry woven through parallel paradigms, a convergence of legendary strains that defy the boundaries of time. Dosilato's aroma, a symphony of sweet and earthy tones, beckons you to explore its multi-sensory universe, with notes of berries and citrus exploding across your taste buds. This strain offers a tranquil sense of relaxation blended with cerebral stimulation, making it suitable for both social gatherings and solo relaxation sessions. Its terpene composition, typically rich in myrcene, caryophyllene, and limonene, shapes its aromatic and sensory profile. Dosilato usually boasts moderate to high levels of THC, ranging from 18% to 25%, maintaining a gentle balance. From science to cosmos, join us on this intergalactic expedition, and let Dosilato guide you through a sensory odyssey that defies the boundaries of what is known

  • Net contents: 3.5g
  • Blend: Indica
  • Per case: 32